Initial Audience Feedback
After talking my initial shots we all regrouped in the class room to get some feed back on how my photo composition was in my first shots.
When showing my pictures on the board I had to pick out the negative aspects to my photographs while everyone else in the group had to pick out the positive point.
When other people photographs were on the board the roles were reversed they had to pick out the negative points while me and other members of the group had to pick out the positive.
This process that we used is known as Mise En Scene.
Photo Composition
This is one of the photographs that we reviewed I could improve this picture in many ways as the picture itself is poor as I could not connect this picture with a story about school. Another point is that I have not thought about things when taking the photograph such as the reflection made by the glass door. The final thing that I could approve on is the positioning off the actor as he is not addressing the audience.
This is one of the better photographs that I took as I have taken into account many things such as the lighting and the positioning of my actor as I have took into account the rule of thirds.